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Create something | Teambuilding Outdoor

To the daily goal – together with PS

Technical skills, sporty ambitions, creativity and a big intention to win are included in this new event concept. A teambuilding-event at different locations around Cologne, Bonn and Dusseldorf. Excellent for the communication among one another.

Divided into groups, each team gets a technical construction kit and the fitting introduction. The participants construct and prettify their work in a determinate time.

When the “horses” are ready, the teams present their work to the other teams and subsequently the teams can collect points during a “horse race”. Of course: Safety first!

The end of the day is the winner ceremony and the following dinner.

This concept promotes the communication and integration for all guests.

This event can also be performed in English.

Number of persons: 40 – 200 persons

Testimonials | Hear what our clients say about our work

TAKE A LOOK organizes teambuilding events to motivate our personnel and also realized our 25 years company anniversary. Each event has its individual character, has been developed with a lot of finesse and takes up our goals perfectly. Ulrich Weller – magellan netzwerke
  • 0221 – 27 24 230