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Warsaw | Incentives

The destination Warsaw for your incentive trip

After a short flight TAKE A LOOK Events & Incentives takes you to one of the most exciting places in Poland. With two million inhabitants, Warsaw is the country’s largest city and a lively metropolis. From TAKE A LOOK’s point of view, the “real” factor in an incentive trip is important. The aim is to convey a feeling for the city, the people, the country and the culture. And to offer you an individual and exciting journey.

Culture, cuisine and experience in Warsaw

In a destination like Warsaw, we can take many aspects into account at any level. Numerous luxury hotels in Art Deco style have recently been completely restored and stylishly staged. Young chefs come back from their wanderings from all over the world and realize culinary highlights in their homeland. The Vistula and the city grow together slowly but surely and the river is now suitable for a boat trip. Art & Culture are experiencing a new heyday with interactive museums and world-class exhibitions. We will gladly privatize one of the exciting areas for your event or provide a glimpse behind the scenes. Architectural highlights of the past and present characterize the cityscape.

Nevertheless, Warsaw is a city of short distances and we offer you a compact and extremely attractive programme with historical and contemporary elements.

The TAKE A LOOK team knows the right hotels with the “real” factor and the trendy hot spots in Warsaw. We are at your disposal for further dialogue.

Testimonials | Hear what our clients say about our work

We implemented a number of different events with TAKE A LOOK. The feedback of our costumers was always positive. A competent partner is very important for us and our customers. Patrizia Pescosta – Executive director TOP SERVICE Reisebüro Lufthansa City Center
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